Welcome to the The Two Fish Gallery Family Beach Girl!

We’re so excited to welcome Jamie Vaughn - The Beach Girl to Two Fish Leland! Jamie’s unique products make great gifts for the Michigan fan.  A unique photography approach is used by combining Jamie's original photography, the shape of Michigan, and experiences Michigander's seek out to provide a product that triggers a memory and experience with customers.  

Jamie considers herself a true Michigander, a resident of Michigan her whole life.  She has always been intrigued by the unique beauty and diverse sights Michigan has to offer.  As a traveler, she uses her lens and camera to compliment her artistic eye to capture this magnificence and bring the beauty Michigan has to offer to her audience.  It was not until she began traveling abroad that she made the connection to its uniqueness which prompted her to try to share the beauty and diverse sights Michigan displays with her audience and highlighted her true subject matter- Michigan 

Using small format cameras and lens to photograph her subjects, Jamie relies on her remarkable eye to capture the moment through the lens.  She visualizes the finished product before the shot is taken to enable the right tools used with the goal of limiting the amount of post editing.  Reliance on her composition insights, framing perception, and fundamental subject focus, she ensures each image has the key elements, i.e. impact, lighting, focus, and attention draw to tell the story.  She handles her own editing through Adobe Photoshop, keeping edits to a minimum to stay close to portraying the core image captured.  

Welcome to the family, Jamie! We’re glad you’re here!